Get the right mix of tools, resources, and world-class talent to create a unique startup value proposition, attract funding, and grow business!

We will hold your hand on this journey, challenge your assumptions, help pivot your ideas where necessary, and help you go to market faster and in a cost-effective manner.

Take advantage of our unique Startup Growth Platform!

We are much more than a software development company. We are your long-term technology partner. Let us guide you throughout your startup journey, from ideation and market launch to scale-up and support.

You will like our very transparent and simple pricing plan. Our Development Resources are billed at salary + fixed fee per resource per month. Professional services are billed on a time and materials basis, calculated on a daily rate, or a special monthly rate if working full-time.

Alternatively, we may consider funding your product development in exchange for equity in your startup.

The cost of launching a startup today is 1000% lower than it used to be twenty years ago!

With open source technology and low-cost cloud-based tools, the barriers to launching a startup are at their lowest. However, 90% of all startups still fail. Why? Here are the top five challenges startup founders are facing today and how Evolve helps respond to them:

While technology is open and affordable, skill is still required to build, manage, and market a product. And skills are limited if you keep sourcing from the same pool and focusing entirely on the domestic market.

Evolve helps extend your resources, distribute your software development supply chain, and access a new pool of talent that's yet largely untapped among your local competitors and recruiters.

When launching a startup, think of your idea as the starting point. While it may end up being the destination, it can also change in the process. It is frustrating to change plans and visions after months of work, however, you cannot fit an undesirable or unwanted solution into people’s lives.

We will test your idea viability with a cost-effective MVP solution to ensure your product will be a good market fit and will have good monetization potential.

The abundance of information solves many problems but creates new ones. How to pick which answer to trust and follow? What about follow up questions specific to your own situation, needs, and goals? Nothing can substitute the value of a mentor.

Technical and Cloud mentoring is a complimentary value-added service that our Incubator Programme participants benefit from during our engagement.

Understanding the key hires to bring into your team at critical junctures, and how best to attract them, is one of the biggest challenges startups are facing.

Who should I hire? When do I make the first hire? How do I manage the team and evaluate progress? Those are three of the most important recruiting questions for early-stage startups.

We will help you get the answers and inject our competencies into your startup DNA to accelerate time to hire and time to market and improve the overall quality of your software development endeavour.

It’s never too early to start marketing your idea. Getting the word out at the idea stage allows you to connect with potential users, gather feedback, and pre-sell your product. But, how to get the word out?

By engaging Evolve and piggybacking on our robust VC networking and connections in the investment world! We will help you not only build and scale your product but also "package" and pitch it to a select cohort of investors and target users!

Evolve Startup Growth Platform: What's in it for You?

With a mix of resources, workshops, one-on-ones, and an online community uniting startups and investors from across the portfolio, the pinnacle is a highly tailored and competitive technology product that resonates with users and makes a difference in the marketplace!

Our Value Add

Build and scale your product with Evolve and get the following benefits absolutely for free!

Technical Mentoring

Choosing the wrong tech stack can cost your startup a fortune down the road.

We’ll help you avoid overheads and delivery delays by choosing the right stack and tools based on skills and talent availability, cost-efficiency, quality of support, maturity of technology and other critical factors you may not be aware of!

Product Mentoring

From features able to drive engagement and increase user loyalty to product growth strategy and achievable roadmap development – take advantage of our many years of experience with building apps that have gained industry recognition (such as “Mobile Project of the Year”, “Disruptor of the Year”, etc.) and attracted millions of pounds in funding!

Our leadership team has robust professional network. Working with us allows you to benefit from our connections within the VC space and “open the door” to additional lucrative  investment.

Cloud Mentoring

We’ll help you implement a Cloud-native architecture approach to speed up your build and release pace, get flexibility and ease of management, reduce costs through containerisation and by finding and using appropriate Cloud credits, DevOps and other cost-saving tricks and kludges that we at Evolve have mastered to perfection.


When we work with startups, particularly those seeking further investment, they often need to supplement their tech leadership team to ramp up project kickoff and bring the team up to speed. We wrap our team around you, our Chief Technology Officer becomes Your Chief Technology Officer and represents you in pitch events, supports you during due-diligence and ensures you’re compliant every step of the way!

You'll be in good company!

These are just some of the brands that could boost productivity, attract funding, increase revenues and customer loyalty through our strategic tech partnership.

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One of our team members will be in touch within 24 hours unless it's the weekend in which case, we'll contact you on the next working day.

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