Bespoke vs Off-the-Shelf Machine Learning: Which One is Right for You?

boxed vs bespoke machine learning

Bespoke vs Off-the-Shelf Machine Learning: Which One is Right for You?

3 years ago
Have you found answers to your most burning questions about machine learning (ML), identified several practical use cases in your business domain, and decided that investing in machine learning is actually a good idea? Now when you have financial approval to go ahead with ML – what’s next? It’s time […]
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most automated processes in sales and marketing

3 Things Each Small Business Should Automate in 2021

3 years ago
If you thought automation technologies were just for large corporations and factories filled with robots, you would be wrong. Automation tools are now more affordable than ever before and help streamline everything from customer relations to marketing to internal processes. Business automation helps companies of all sizes boost efficiencies, deliver […]
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how to automate business processes

What Is Business Automation and Why It’s Important in 2021

3 years ago
The world of business automation has changed over the course of the pandemic. A little over a year ago, business and IT leaders would only talk about their automation-related ideas. Now, it has transformed into a business imperative. Modernising and optimising your workflows will have an almost immediate impact on […]
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bespoke enterprise software development

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Empower Enterprise Software Development

4 years ago
In recent years, software development has witnessed a tremendous transformation. In an effort to maintain a competitive advantage, enterprises have rapidly adopted and incorporated emerging technologies, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Machine Learning (ML), is no exception. With AI and ML heavily involved in software development cycles, enterprise software is […]
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how to use cloud credits to save costs

How to Save Your Cloud Budget with Service Credits

4 years ago
In a hyper digitised world, almost every organisation leverages cloud technology. As more enterprises move their technological infrastructure up to the cloud, the fierce competition for their business will equal more savings for customers. Google Cloud, for example, offers credits for potential customers to get a feel for their Google […]
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get talent for bespoke development

How Custom Software Helps Accelerate Growth and Cut Costs: Real-World Cases

4 years ago
Modern companies need to dynamic and continuously evolving to keep their heads above water. So it makes perfect sense to leverage software that’s easily adaptable and scalable to meet your organisation’s changing demands. Canned solutions are rigid and only cater to the general needs of a wider audience. Oftentimes, companies […]
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