Top 8 Digital Transformation Trends to Expect in 2021

digital transformation trends 2021

The Coronavirus pandemic has cemented the critical role of IT across industries. Regardless of the size of the organisation, everyone was affected, ushering in a final push to transform digitally all aspects of enterprise operations.

As we get ready to say goodbye to this unprecedented year, we are starting to see new paradigms emerge from the recent surge in the adoption of digital drivers. For example, automation, big data and analytics, remote working, and more are changing how companies operate and connect with their customers.

So, going into 2021, what digital transformation trends can we expect to see? Let’s take a look at the top eight digital transformation trends forecasted for the new year.

1. 5G Everywhere

While conspiracy theories are rampant in the wild, wild west of the social media platforms, 5G will go mainstream. As we realise the advantages of remote working, video conferencing, and digital collaboration, you can expect substantial investment in connectivity (and more bandwidth).   

Businesses can no longer afford to be disconnected. In this scenario, 5G deployments are a vital part of the solution. We realised the importance of seamless connectivity during the first lockdown, and this will drive the adoption of 5G technologies across the board. 

Our continued dependence on mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) highlights the need for a multi-path expressway. But it remains to be seen if telecommunications providers will be ready to offer this service in 2021.

How Evolve can help:

- Upgrade your legacy solution and migrate it to Cloud to better meet 5G requirements;
- Build you from scratch a 5G-enabled application for different goals such as 4K content streaming, better integration with IoT devices, support for higher-resolution video and imagery, and more.


2. More Automation

Automation has been a driving force for digital transformation for many years and continues to do so.

“81% of technology companies will automate tasks to allow staff to focus on more important things like innovation,” 2020 Connectivity benchmark report

According to Deloitte, we’ll see more intelligent automation initiatives to boost productivity, cut costs, improve accuracy, and enhance customer experiences. However, automation complexities continue to prove to be a significant hurdle. One solution to this problem is to make better use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). 

How Evolve can help:

Build you a bespoke application that helps automate all/most of the corporate functions such as payroll and invoicing, procurement, recruitment, etc. 

Check out our select cases: LaFarge, Breedon Cement, Seddon, Offerd.

3. API Security

When making better use of APIs, companies must consider API security. Why? Well, research suggests that 84% of customers are more loyal to a business that boasts robust security controls. 

With many companies adopting a multi-cloud strategy, APIs are now vital to build economies of scale. For example, APIs will be essential to minimize data silos and improve collaboration when moving from legacy infrastructure to micro-services. 

As the addition of new technologies increases complexities in the current threat landscape, investment in the security will also grow exponentially. It’s critical as API abuses promise to be a popular attack vector for enterprise web applications by 2022.

How Evolve can help:

- Integrate your application with any third-party service/solution and help with your API management;
- Design and develop a unique API for your product;
- Help choose your API architecture style, and more.

4. Cybersecurity

In the current threat landscape, cybersecurity is paramount. As threat actors attack businesses of all sizes relentlessly, organisations will adopt a proactive approach to security, embracing techniques like penetration testing and more.

As work from home efforts add another layer of complexity, companies will invest more in cybersecurity in 2021 and beyond. However, enterprises must actively reimagine their privacy and security strategies to reflect the “new normal.” For example, if most of your staff work offsite, you need to take steps to mitigate the risk of them connecting via unsecured networks.

How Evolve can help:

- Build you a highly secure bespoke application; 
- Embed security testing into your product's SDLC;
- Perform all types of security testing;
- Build you a dedicated QA team onshore (within the UK) or nearshore (in Ukraine), and more.

5. XaaS (Everything-as-a-Service)

The “as-a-Service” model has grown from strength to strength. For digitally native enterprises, this is already the standard. From now on, truly digital-native enterprises will offer just about Everything-as-a-Service. 

If the services required live on the cloud with seamless virtual access, companies would offer whatever they can to fill the gaps and provide the target audience whatever they need. IoT and artificial intelligence will heavily support this initiative. 

How Evolve can help:

- Build a bespoke IoT solution for your enterprise;
- Build a cost-effective MVP for target user feedback, senior leadership buy-in or to attract funding;
- Choose the right architecture and tech stack for your Everything-as-a-Service application development;
- Provide comprehensive tech consulting across your SDLC stages, from ideation all the way through to release, and more.

6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The pandemic triggered accelerated AI and data democratisation. What started as an effort to stop the rapid spread of the virus is poised to continue to make an impact by expanding to a breadth of pressing opportunities. For example, these technologies are already primed to tackle global and market problems sooner, better, and at scale.

How Evolve can help:

- Build you a bespoke application that will leverage AI, machine learning, deep learning, NLP, and other innovative technologies;
- Build you a robust AI chatbot to automate particular functions such as customer experience, payroll and invoicing, HR, etc.;
- Choose the right architecture and tech stack for your AI application development, and more.

7. The Arrival of Quantum Computing

We’ve talked about the potential of quantum computing for quite some time. 2021 promises to be the year that IBM and Honeywell, among others, deliver. 

Tech giants have invested heavily in quantum computing development, so we can expect this cutting-edge technology applied to divergent use cases in the months to come. However, for now, this industry vertical remains cloaked by anticipation and excitement.

8. Custom Shopping Experiences (CSX)

As much as 86% of businesses state that their customer acquisition costs have risen over the last two years. As a result, retailers must get creative and innovative to acquire new business while driving down costs. After all, 86% of buyers will pay more for better service.

One way to achieve this is by creating CSX. CSXs are created by separating the (customer-facing) front-end from the back end (where data is collected and analysed). This approach makes the delivery of CSX easier by focusing on customer development and retention. 

By rapidly adapting to the customer’s specific needs, enterprises will have a competitive advantage over those who continue to focus on delivering omnichannel experiences.

The above is a brief look at some of the major digital transformation trends expected to come to fruition in the new year. What other trends would you add to this list? Are there any you would like to remove from this list?  

If you need to accelerate your current digital transformation initiatives, we can help. Schedule a commitment-free call now!



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