How to Remove IR35 Risks by Leveraging Nearshore Resources

how to avoid IR35 with extended teams

How to Remove IR35 Risks by Leveraging Nearshore Resources

4 years ago
The proposed IR35 reform (which some consider highly controversial) represents the most significant change to the employment tax code for decades. This could have serious implications for both small and medium-sized businesses and the contractors they hire. Until now, British companies were able to leverage contractors for a variety of […]
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Extended Teams mitigate impact of IR35 on businesses

How Extended Teams Overseas Can Provide Relief From IR35 Disruption

4 years ago
This article looks into challenges UK businesses are facing today as a result of HMRC regulation and IR35 in particular and shows how using Extended Software Teams built offshore or nearshore can be a good response to those challenges. What is IR35? IR35 refers to “the UK’s anti-avoidance tax legislation designed to […]
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