How to Mitigate Cybersecurity Threats Through Continuous Auditing

how to use continuous auditing to reduce cyber threats

How to Mitigate Cybersecurity Threats Through Continuous Auditing

4 years ago
The Coronavirus or COVID-19 initiated a surge in cloud computing to accommodate Work From Home (WFH) initiatives. While this approach enabled remote working for a plethora of businesses that have been bound to office work for decades, it also brought along challenges related to data privacy mandates, legislature, and sophisticated […]
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penetration testing for startups, cybersecurity audit by Evolve

How Evolve Clients Benefit From Penetration Testing Embedded In Our SDLC

4 years ago
Last year, we heard a lot of new buzzwords that global security leaders and practitioners used to describe a current cybersecurity landscape. Despite the growing security concerns and strict measures adopted by countries and corporations to minimise cyber threats and the level of their impact on people and systems, cyber-attacks […]
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