How to Get Value for Money When Building a Software Product

value for money in outsourcing

How to Get Value for Money When Building a Software Product

4 years ago
The way businesses get work done is changing rapidly. For tech startups, the rate of change is accelerating as we speak. Whether it’s taking a low code approach, lean, or agile, all sorts of businesses are trying to do more with less (and quickly). However, if you’re not careful, you […]
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extended teams in Ukraine, brexit implications on tech hiring, brexit implications on IT staffing

Key Brexit Implications on Tech Recruitment in the UK

4 years ago
“Brexit means Brexit” and “We are all Brexiters now” – that’s what we heard for over three years until it finally happened. Now what? What does it mean for tech hiring in the United Kingdom?  There’s still a lot of confusion and concern over the overall impact of Brexit, but […]
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