How to Achieve Top Line Growth With Continuous Product Improvement

product improvement benefits

How to Achieve Top Line Growth With Continuous Product Improvement

3 years ago
This article addresses the benefits of continuous product improvement for boosting sales, enhancing customer engagement and experience, reinforcing brand reputation and creditworthiness, and more. It is based on Evolve‘s many years of experience of building distributed and dedicated client-managed teams for software product development and scale-up. Product quality describes the […]
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product improvement benefits

How to Achieve Top Line Growth With Continuous Product Improvement

3 years ago
This article addresses the benefits of continuous product improvement for boosting sales, enhancing customer engagement and experience, reinforcing brand reputation and creditworthiness, and more. It is based on Evolve‘s many years of experience of building distributed and dedicated client-managed teams for software product development and scale-up. Product quality describes the […]
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how to build MVP

How to Build an MVP in 2020

4 years ago
A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is still essential. In fact, in a post-pandemic world where the money is tight, it’s even more important to test your project early on to ensure that it meets the target audience’s demands. An MVP is a critical step in the development of successful digital […]
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uk fintech hiring trends 2020

UK Fintech Amid Covid-19: Hiring Trends and Demand for Fluid IT Workforce

4 years ago
The Covid-19 pandemic has left even the most Agile and resilient organisations in the UK scrambling in unimaginable ways. With the global supply chains being disrupted significantly, it becomes more difficult for businesses, big and small, to focus on growth and sustainability. The pandemic clearly underscores the need for a […]
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UK remote working landscape 2020

The State of Remote Working In the UK 2020

4 years ago
In April 2020, the UK’s Office for National Statistics released a report showing that as many as 49.2% of all employees are working completely from home as a result of the quarantine and social distancing measures. To see how remote work perception and adoption have changed in the UK since […]
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distributed teams for business continuity

How Companies Can Ensure Business Continuity During the Pandemic

4 years ago
We barely started 2020 before the COVID-19 brought the world down to its knees. With over 55,000 infected, almost 7,000 deaths (and counting), and even the prime minister having spent some time in intensive care (to battle the infection), we now live in historic times.   As a nation, we […]
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extended teams in Ukraine, brexit implications on tech hiring, brexit implications on IT staffing

Key Brexit Implications on Tech Recruitment in the UK

4 years ago
“Brexit means Brexit” and “We are all Brexiters now” – that’s what we heard for over three years until it finally happened. Now what? What does it mean for tech hiring in the United Kingdom?  There’s still a lot of confusion and concern over the overall impact of Brexit, but […]
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